We're off to sail the rollicking sea, pirates all are we! But ARRRR, and shiver me timbers! There's a stowaway on board! Perhaps the King of the High Cs will know what to do. Join this salty crew of colorful scallywags when Bluebeard, Yellowbeard, Whitebeard, Purplebeard - well, you get the picture - along with the No Beards hoist the Jolly Roger and set sail for a mighty adventure. Perfect for upper elementary and middle school performers, this 35-minute musical features six original songs for unison voices and some optional harmony, choreography, a helpful production guide, and a script with a minimum of 20 speaking parts easily adapted to casts of varying sizes. Available: Teacher Edition, Singer Edition 5-Pak, Preview CD (with vocals), Preview Pak (1 Singer, 1 Preview CD), Performance/Accompaniment CD, Performance Kit/CD (Teacher, 20 Singer, P/A CD). Duration: ca. 35 minutes. Suggested for Grades 4-8. ExpressiveArts John Jacobson/Roger Emerson